
sign up




If you’re a seasoned DBFT challenger - check these dates, then scroll on down and hit those buttons! 

You know what you’re in for, you know we do things differently here, and that’s exactly why it works!

Enrollment is now OPEN and closes on Friday, September 6

Challenge starts on Sunday, September 8!

join coached

join uncoached

First things first

I’m first.

Say it out loud.

Look yourself in the mirror.

Say it again.

This time, I want you to feel it, and genuinely promise yourself that this is your new truth.

Whether you’re a new mum, have a few in tow at all times, or living your best single life - we can all relate to situations where we’ve all put ourselves last. 

It’s not the worst trait in the world.

We like to help others, and it makes us feel good in the process.

That’s why we keep doing it.

However, a consequence of this is that we gradually begin to lose our time, our energy, and our vibe and vitality.

Waiting for one day when things will change and we’ll magically have more time to look after ourselves more.

I’m here to be brutally honest, and let you in on a little secret.

That time will never come, unless you make the time now.

When you put yourself first, everything else flows from there.

#6Weeks2Strength is your permission slip and your reason to put yourself first, show up as your best self, and make some incredible gains in the process!

if you're new here...

welcome to dbft!

Take a seat, get comfortable, stay a while - let me explain the DBFT difference.

#6Weeks2Strength is the third challenge of our calendar year, and each challenge has a specific goal in mind (Slay and Shreds are our other two). Give us 12 months, follow the process, and I promise you’ll get to a place you didn’t even know was possible.

We don’t just prescribe workouts and diets - we are here to educate you, support you, and introduce more sustainable habits that contribute to a much better relationship with your fitness and your lifestyle.

sign up now


Too often, people come into fitness programs under the promise of what they’re going to see on the scale and in the mirror, however, we’re here to tell you incorporating more fitness into your lifestyle is a gateway for so many good things in life.

The overall feeling of health, wellbeing and joy in your fitness journey should not be intrinsically tied to the definition of your abs. 

Unfortunately, our industry is rife in promoting the binge and restrict cycle, where fitness “professionals” would basically prescribe undereating and overtraining for a short period of time.

Short term, their clients may drop a few pounds, take a few fire selfies, and feel a spark of motivation momentarily.

Long term, they end up putting it back on, and only feel more defeated for ‘falling off the wagon’ - and the cycle continues…

It doesn’t have to be this way - you can create long term, sustainable change - and feel good doing it!

While there is nothing wrong with aesthetic goals, we’re here to show you a better way to achieve what YOU want out of your path.

Thousands of fitness journeys have started right here. 

This is why we’re bringing back #6WEEKS2STRENGTH IN SEPTEMBER, a 42 day challenge where we give you ALL OF THE TOOLS to get the body you’ve been working so hard for, but haven’t been able to get just yet.

Our 2024 edition continues to bring the heat with a new 6-week, 5-day workout program with even more options to fit in with your schedule and lifestyle to get the heart rate up, blood flowing, and muscles working so you can show up and feel your best this summer and beyond.


In 2023, we completely reinvented our app to deliver an even more personalized and immersive experience. It’s on a whole new level, but we’ve kept the price the same!

revamped app experience

As part of the challenge, you’ll receive full app access, with over 850+ exercise videos to generate your own workouts when you want, plus our mini nutritional guide, sample meal plans, and more!

General enrollment closes on Friday, September 6, and we officially kick off Sunday, September 8!

Every year, we are committed to always providing MORE value for you, and have deliberately packed all of this into the challenge for you.

As part of the challenge, you have the option of Uncoached (Challenge Only) or Coached (where we support you one-to-one through your journey) 

uncoached - challenge only.

✅ 6 Weeks of Community and Transformation
✅ New Workout Split for Maximum Results (week 1-3, 4-6)
✅ 5 Functional Workouts Every Week LESS THAN AN HOUR (2 leg days, 2 upper body mixes, and one full body) - ALL yours to create what YOU need weekly.
✅ Option to perform each workout HOME/GYM or PREGNANCY/POSTPARTUM, which I will take you through personally so you feel safe wherever you are in your journey!
✅ Home or Gym Workouts – Your Choice!
✅ Full Support System and Community
✅ Weekly Mini Challenges to Keep You Motivated
✅ FREE mini 4CORE program for all challengers to take you through!

challenge only - uncoached (one time payment - $117)

challenge only - uncoached (payment plan - $65 x 2)

AND we’re including A FULL MINI CORE GUIDE with postpartum/pregnancy and home/gym choices.

coached with
bi-weekly check-ins.

  • Private group chat
  • Bi-weekly check-ins
  • Personalized video feedback
  • Macro adjustments and cardio direction based on goals
  • Don’t track? No problem. We will find an approach for YOU!
  • Plus full 85+ page nutritional guide ($127.00 value)

BUY COACHED (One time payment of $307)

Strictly limited spots, these ALWAYS sell out first

want more support?

BUY COACHED (Payment Plan - $160 x 2)



There are always going to be ebbs and flows to your fitness journey.

We’re all humans navigating our own experiences - celebrations, trials, and tribulations. It’s not always going to fit into a perfect box, but that’s why it’s important to find a program, format, and community that is going to work with you along the way.

So many times people will work against themselves by doing the below;

- Sign up to different ‘free’ challenges and courses and not commit
- Fear changing their workout routine, because they don’t know any other way
- Avoid certain foods because you feel they’re the enemy
- Try to eat ‘healthy’ and train hard but not seeing any results, and feel defeated in the process
- Feel trapped in their body and blame their genetics
- Battle the constant yo-yo dieting of binge and restrictive eating

This leaves them feeling in a rut and constantly trying to dig the well to find motivation to start ‘over’ with their fitness journey with diminishing results.

If this sounds like you, then here’s the good news

You don’t need to struggle anymore.

In fact, in just 42 days, get ready to say hello to the NEW YOU. 

We will encourage and empower you to gain strength, execute fat loss correctly, or find that perfect balance for YOU!

You’re going to have a better education around your food and body, with added information from our team - not to mention having a bomb ass community, where you’ll make friends for life, to share your wins with (not to mention all the fire selfies you’re going to be able to take)

You’re going to feel better PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY (we all know they work hand in hand)


We’ve completely leveled up our prizes, that’s right - you can actually win BIG for taking part and being an active part of the challenge.

>> 1st Prize
$1200.00 cash + 2 free months of 1-1 coaching

>> 2nd Prize
$850.00 cash + 1 free month of 1-1 coaching

>> 3rd Prize 
$500.00 cash + 1 free month of membership

>> Fit Couple Duo
$750.00 cash


If you’ve made it this far...


Because now I know you have what it takes to achieve your goals.

You wouldn’t read ALL of this information and see the great results we’re getting and NOT want to do it.

And I haven’t even talked about the prizes yet!

build new habits with our

mini challenges

We are intentional about building new, long lasting habits. Over the course of the 6 weeks, we run a series of mini challenges to encourage new behaviours that contribute to positive change, while we celebrate our little wins along the way.

It’s not just about gym selfies and drinking your two liters of water (although that’s fun too). We want you to fall in love with the little details in your fitness journey - learn to prioritise self care and recovery along the way, be an active part of the community, and enjoy the ride.

We don’t get overly caught up in the scale and mirror victories, because we know they will absolutely come if you fall in love with the process and follow it diligently

you are not alone.

We constantly get new people joining our challenges and rest assured you are going to feel safe, and supported in an environment that’s built for you to thrive in. Join us, and you’ll have a community of driven, and supportive women to cheer you on.

They all started where you are right now…

The first step is always the hardest, but I guarantee you will be so thankful you did it.

We can’t wait to meet you 💙

Remember, we have limited spots, and the pre-registrations have been off the charts…

Now, I understand that if you haven’t clicked the button to join us yet, there may be some push back and some limiting beliefs circling around... 

I want you to know that’s okay, it’s always natural to second guess or analyze our decisions.

But I’ve learnt we always rise to the level of our commitments, we just need to say YES to the opportunity.

sign-ups end

friday, sept 6th.

sign up now

we begin Sept 8TH.