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One of the biggest misconceptions in the fitness industry is that there is a single program, diet, or style that will help you achieve your wildest dreams.

That simply isn’t true - every body, and every circumstance presents unique gifts and challenges.

But also, it should be enjoyable!

Adherence is more important than intensity.

We’re not here to prescribe or promise a one size fits all model.

Our education and experiences gives us the structure, that allows you the freedom to make fitness fit into your life, and our community and coaches will keep you accountable in the process.

That’s how true transformation (or progress) happens.




Full App Access

BFIT MEMBER referral program (give $10, get $10!)

New workouts every month

5 days a week, and can be changed for YOUR needs

At home, at gym variations for all movements needed

Specific pregnancy and postpartum notes and modifications

Private facebook group

Monthly newsletter (includes recipe, fit tip, monthly focus)

Monthly Giveaway for completing the focus of the month 

Coaches support and community encouragement 

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best selling programs
for anyone, anywhere!

Tailored For All Fitness Levels

One time price. Yours to KEEP, reuse, and use however you wish!

At home and at gym variations for all workouts

Pregnancy and postpartum notes and modifications

Strong Ass Mom postpartum rehabilitation program

Community group and accountability 

Ebooks, and freebies with your purchase

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Sprint4Summer Crewneck


Fit Mom Great Mom Large Tote Bag


sprint crop top




strong ass mom
1:1 coaching AND 6 week challenge

This was my first challenge, a challenge that I originally was not going to join simply because I’m frugal and hate spending money (hence why my gym of “choice” is Planet Fitness). HOWEVER, the challenge was absolutely worth the money to be a part of it. The sense of community and encouragement this challenge has provided me is beyond measure. Those girls will HYPE YOU UP! One of the biggest takeaways for me was that a balance between healthy living and social life IS possible! 

I’m the lowest weight I’ve been in over 7 months and I’m down 13 pounds ! I’ve learned how to track my macros correctly, and I’m finally OUT OF MY MATERNITY CLOTHES! Which is one of my biggest non scale victories.  

- Kourtnie Marsh

coached option

I hesitated doing this program because it is a bit out of my comfort zone and I have never done anything like this or have had a coach before. But MAN was 100% worth it. My relationship with food has completely changed with being more mindful of what I’m putting in my body and I have felt SO much better since beginning this challenge (mentally AND physically). 

I have never felt so confident, strong or empowered as I do now and that is all thanks to my lovely coach Em and the community that surrounds DBFT. I have never been apart of such an empowering group of women & knowing I am not the only one going through this and having other women there for support has been absolutely amazing. 

- Tori Berry


coached option

I feel like i found ME again these last 6 weeks. I found my passion for the gym again and found that it felt good to take care of me. I am always taking care of everybody else and putting myself last. These last 6 weeks i took the time to prep healthy lunches for work, and prep foods to make healthy dinners for my family. My husband said he notices I’ve seemed happier. I made time to go to the gym. I’ve lost 18lbs and broke into the 100s for the first time in YEARS. I’ve tried everything under the sun but could never stick to it, but now I’ve learned counting macros is sustainable. I loved logging into Facebook and seeing all of the motivational posts. It honestly kept me going. Thanks for making this challenge!

- Christina Ferris


& app membership

I have been using the DBFT programs since January of 2021 I completed my first challenge 6 weeks to shreds 3.0 and was hooked ever since. I purchased the Strong Ass Mom program before restarting my fitness journey to lose the baby weight and love my body again. I gained over 85lbs when I was pregnant due to inactivity and bad eating habits.  I have seen amazing results from the challenges but I didn’t know how life changing it would actually be. Having the workouts laid out for me with modifications as well as demonstrations, tips and a Facebook group for support was exactly what I needed to get healthy for my daughter. One year after using a mix of Strong Ass Mom, 6 weeks 2 strength 3.0 and the new monthly membership for my workout programs along with increasing my protein intake, drinking a lot of water and staying active I have been able to lose 66lbs pounds since I gave birth as well as 10 inches from my waist.

- Emily S.

multiple programs

after having my son in May of 2022…things weren’t so easy. It took me almost a year to admit to myself that I had postpartum depression and my anxiety started crippling me. Nothing was fitting like it used to, no matter how hard I tried. I saw Des posting about a New Year challenge called 6weeks2slay. I thought about joining for WEEKS, but in true me fashion..I waited until the LITERAL LAST DAY to sign up. And I’ve never been more thankful for that extended last day. My body and, most importantly, my mindset have never been better. 
Since then, I have also done the 6weeks2shreds challenge and redone them both on my own. It’s been so amazing to see my body transform in less than a year. 
The DBFT Community is like no other fitness community out there. It’s so much more than just working out. I have gained so much confidence in myself. Everyone is there to hype you up, tell you to keep going when you feel like giving up.

- Bostyn Bryant


This was my first challenge! The workouts are great, because they are built for anyone and gives you room to challenge yourself with adding what weight you’d like as well as tons of modifications for each exercise. I hope to continue working with her 1 on 1 coaching. On top of that i hit so many NEW PRS😍. The dbft community is AMAZING. the amount of support and encouragement you get throughout the coaches and community is immaculate especially in our facebook group and discord chat. i didn’t participate in the group as much as i would like but i loved seeing everyone thriving. The memes that are posted are top tier 😂 I feel great overall and love the new habits i created for myself as well as keeping a balance in nutrition. i really struggled with cutting something out completely and then binge eating it later on but i learned to balance it and to make a small portion fit in my macros each day and it helped tremendously. 

- Miranda S.

6weeks2slay - coached
first place winner

pre-register now for #6weeks2strength

pre-reg opens august 23rd. anyone who signs up (Starting august 31) within the first 24 hours receives a major discount!!!

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